visual foundation studio: ticket to leave (may 10, 2021)

stephen shadrach
1 min readMay 11, 2021

for this final ticket to leave, i will leave my reflections of paula scher’s episode of abstract: the art of design. before watching this i never really heard of paula scher outside of a few references in class lectures. after watching, i now realize why she is renowned as one of the most influencial graphic designers ever. a partner of the design firm of pentagram, she has designed so many iconic logos/visual languages from microsoft/windows, citibank, the public theater, shake shack, and so much more. this episode really resonated with me because it really dug into the psyche of an acclaimed designer and showed that the process of designing for so many brands is deeper than just creating the logo. my favorite part was when the process of designing for the public theater was focused on. scher truly created its aesthetic and image from the ground up.

